Notice of Change to Working Hours
Download and customise Tanda’s free letter template for Notice of Change to Working Hours to inform employees changes to their schedules.
Dear [Team/Employee Name],
Due to changing business requirements, we are making an adjustment to your required hours of work.
Please accept this as 14 days notice of the required change. Your updated hours of work are as follows:
[Changes in work schedule]
[Changes in work schedule]
[Changes in work schedule]
Please contact us if you have any queries about your new work schedule.
[Manager Name]
About this Template
When do you need to notify employees of a change to their working hours?
The Fair Work Commission advises that when an employer wants to change an employee’s regular roster or ordinary hours of work, they have to discuss it with the employees first.
Ordinary hours are an employee’s normal and regular hours of work, which do not attract overtime rates, these typically apply to permanent part-time and full-time staff, but can apply to other staff working consistent schedules. These rules surrounding regular hours of work can vary between awards, see your award for the relevant rules.
For changes to an employees regular hours of work, employers are required to provide information about the change (eg. what the change will be and when), but may also want to invite employees to give their views about the impact of the change and consider these views about the impact of the change.

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