Quick Service Restaurants

Tanda QSR

Tanda is designed to help QSR businesses with shift workers pay their staff quickly and correctly. Fast food companies like Domino's and Guzman Y Gomez use Tanda to optimise their rosters, payroll, and keep up with compliance trends.


Trusted by Australia's leading Fast Food brands

Automatic Fast Food Industry Award Interpretation

Tanda’s award interpreter takes employee timesheet data and automatically interprets the Fast Food Industry Award. Pay and entitlements are automatically calculated for dozens of FFIA conditions. Avoid manual calculations, and improve the accuracy and speed of your payroll.

Comply with FFIA restrictions

The Fast Food Award contains many rules which place restrictions on rostering. Tanda’s award interpreter can give warnings or block publishing of rosters entirely if they breach FFIA rules. Simplify your rostering process and stay compliant for dozens of rules, including:

  • Warnings if an employee is rostered for more than five days in a week.
  • Ensure employees are rostered for their minimum shift engagement.
  • Employees not being rostered more than 11 ordinary hours in one day.
  • Breaches of school-age working restrictions.

Increase margins with data-driven rosters

Margins in the Quick Service Restaurant industry are often tight. Protect your profit with rosters that can keep a lid on labour costs while still delivering top-notch service. Build template rosters that align with peak demand periods. See historic demand and live costs and tweak your roster visually. Maximise service and minimise costs.

Centralise processes with Tanda HR

Combine Tanda's industry-leading workforce management solution with a HR system that's built to fit. Whether you're making responsibilities clear or cultivating talent, Tanda HR gives you the tools you need to get the most out of your team, including:

  • Performance reviews to encourage open communication and explain career progression
  • Inductions and training to quickly train new recruits or upskill existing staff
  • Checklists to make day-to-day responsibilities and procedures clear
  • Asset management to track equipment, share warranties, and schedule maintenance

Ready for an end-to-end solution?

Tanda’s built-in solution manages staff from hiring right through to payroll. Centralise your processes with one system.

The rollout has been seamless for us. We’ve found that store managers have been able to pick it up quite quickly, and even department managers.

Harrison Zervakis

Operations Manager

Champions Logo IGA
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Laws and regulations in Australia around payroll are quite complicated and having a tool that can help us navigate through that efficiently and effectively is really important.

Chris Garlick

CEO - Starbucks Australia

Starbucks logo

By introducing Tanda we’ve saved about 12 hours per week per restaurant. So across 24 restaurants, 12 hours a week is about 280 hours which is a massive saving.

Ebony Harty

National Training Manager

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Frequently asked questions

Ready to take workforce management to the next level?

Manage your business processes in a single system, from onboarding through to payroll.